The Power of Engagement: How Technology Has Transformed Learning

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The Power of Engagement: How Technology Has Transformed Learning

January 17, 2024

Today, technology has influenced every aspect of life, including education. In fact, new technology is constantly being developed to bring innovation, versatility, and highly-relevant learning to the classroom. Increased relevancy translates to higher engagement and achievement. 

Over the last quarter-century, access to education has increased exponentially worldwide. More people are becoming actively engaged in a learning pathway. Massive amounts of information and learning tools are now available at one's fingertips via the internet in the form of apps, audio, books, infographics, videos, and so on. Let's dive deeper and highlight how technology has transformed learning!

  1. A Wider Range of Learning Resources for Students, Parents, and Teachers 📚

When students learn online, they immediately have access to a cornucopia of learning tools and resources of all kinds. Parents and teachers also have access to this wealth of information. Establishing the “Fit” of an individual’s learning goals and appropriate resources becomes very important in an ever-expanding ocean of options. Apps like Pedagogue allow teachers to connect with other teachers from all over the world to develop and share lessons and resources that work for students. Pedagogue also includes a virtual classroom feature, which allows you to form study groups with your classmates outside of school.

Many students enjoy using apps like YouTube to watch videos and lessons related to their schoolwork. These videos help students explore concepts from various points-of-view to expand their mastery and understanding. 

  1. Convenient and Efficient Working Tools 🔧

Technology provides students with hundreds of useful and efficient working tools to help them manage their studies more effectively. Many students, for example, enjoy using Google Docs to complete school tasks and assignments. Students can add to their work in Google Docs from any device and at any time. In other words, they can begin their project on a school computer and finish it on their laptop at home. It allows students to take their work wherever they go.

  1. Avenue for Greater Communication and Collaboration 🗨️

Today's technology enables previously unimaginable forms of communication and collaboration. Students in rural classrooms, for example, can learn about the Arctic just by following the expedition of a team of scientists in the region, reading their blog posts, viewing photos, emailing questions to the scientists, and even talking live with them via videoconference. Students can exchange information with other classrooms across the country participating in the same expedition. Wikis and Google Docs are two examples of technological tools that students can use to work together on group projects. As technology enables new ways of learning, collaborating, and communicating, learning can become more and more relevant.

  1. Technology has Transformed the Role of Teachers 👩🏻🏫

The model of the teacher as the "sage on the stage" has been used in education for a long time. However, as technology has increased access to education and information opportunities, the teacher's role has shifted to that of a "guide on the side" in many classrooms today. Students are taking more responsibility for their own learning and using technology to gather relevant information. Schools across the country are redesigning learning spaces to support this new model of education, which encourages more interaction, collaboration, independent studies, and small group work.

  1. Successful EdTech Inspires More Innovation 🚀

When the use of educational technology results in improved learning, students, parents, teachers, and other stakeholders are inspired to create more tools that help accelerate learning. This is a cyclical process that improves the learning experience. Students can apply this inspired creativity in school in a variety of ways: 

  • Designing Robots and Competing with Them 
  • Mastering Coding 
  • 3D printing of New Projects
  • Writing and Filming Learning Videos

  1. Learning While Being Entertained 🎊

Not many students like the idea of burying their noses in a textbook for hours on end. Learning is more enjoyable when content creators provide new ways to engage their audiences. This can vary in the way information is presented to align with each student's preferences. Do you want to learn about the history of ancient China? If students prefer to learn by watching YouTube videos or reenactments, they can do so. They could also virtually attend a lecture by a leading expert on the subject. They can also learn more about it by reading everything from Wikipedia to blog posts and even watching videos on China. 

  1. The Gamification of Learning 🕹️

Gamification of learning has been shown to be very effective and is supported by educational experts. The process of gamifying instruction makes the hard stuff seem fun. And with kids already very adept at playing virtual games, it's only natural that they will enjoy learning using games. Examples of gamification are study game apps, which can serve as digital flashcards or a fun way to practice math problems. Gamification can help students improve their logic, and problem-solving skills, and give them a sense of accomplishment when they 'win.'

The academic world is changing at an ever-increasing pace thanks to technology. The internet and technological advancements have dramatically altered how students learn, and educators teach. The power of personalization through the use of technology increases engagement and relevance for each learner. This leads to happier and more successful learners. We all benefit from better learning.

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